Fernando (Q ) What is the relationship between evolution and atheism?
Fernando. I would like to learn more about the stepping stones on the journey.
Well like you Fernando I don't have the capacity for a P.H.D in either subject, but I think :
a) They are both theories not facts.
b) They have both came about by information trading.
And with the Internet we can investigate such questions despite not having the capacity for getting a P.H.D . However the danger is our ability in knowledge sourcing as this can be challenging,
Anyway with the Internet religion can no longer force me to believe in the Almighty, because I can now get out of bed, and do my own research. And doing this I am no longer intolerant to the idea of Evolution, but I won't believe every theory because the scientists say they are right. That would be narrow minded and make me a traitor to the FREEWILL I now have, having left the Watchtower.
Most importantly it's fun learning about such topics, particularly on this board. I also think it worth mentioning if Genesis didn't happen, there was no origional sin, and in my opinion no Jesus, and therefore evolution destroys Christian theology, However I must confess I still find some of the theories connected with evolution absurd, but in conclusion I think Iam on the path of discovery.
The Rebel.